Jacqueline's Weekly Newsletter šŸ¤

Happy Monday!

I hope you had an amazing week! Things are moving fast over hereā€”my youngest is officially walking, and my two-year-old just learned to ride a bike without training wheels! šŸ„¹šŸ˜… So, as you can imagine, life is pretty full right now.

This Week's Goals

This week, Iā€™m planning to dive into a deep clean of the house. Iā€™m one of those people who loves going through every nook and crannyā€”every drawerā€”so I can declutter and simplify.

It sometimes feels like the to-do list is never-ending, and when thereā€™s clutter, itā€™s hard for my brain to focus. But Iā€™m giving myself grace, knowing it wonā€™t all get done in one week. Iā€™ll focus on tackling one room per day.

The plan is to go through cupboards, drawers, and decide what gets donated or tossed. The rule? No moving on to the next room until the current one is done!

On the fashion side, Iā€™m in a new phase where Iā€™m drawn to natural fabrics and neutral tones, so my closet is getting a refresh too.

Feel free to comment, DM, or email me to hold me accountable! šŸ˜…

The Kids' Toys

Iā€™m also going through the kids' toys. Weā€™re not about excess anymoreā€”especially now that the kids are getting older. Iā€™m fine with a few favorite toys, but we need more flow in the house.

I always tell my kids: toys are for once in a while, but thereā€™s no limit on books! If you visit, youā€™ll notice we have books everywhere, and I love that. My kids are always reading, and I want to keep that energy alive.

Favorite Cleaning Products

One of my favorite cleaning product lines is from a Canadian company called Jusu. Their essential oils smell amazing and are all-natural. I also use good old vinegarā€”keeping everything natural is a must with little ones crawling and running around.

Do you have any natural cleaning product recommendations? Iā€™m always on the lookout for new finds!

My Daily Breakdown

Lately, Iā€™ve been dividing my day into three main categories: fun and present time, productivity (like work and cleaning), and recharging/relaxing. Itā€™s a challenge, but even sneaking in five minutes outside to stretch feels like a win.

3 Things That Help with Cleaning Flow

  1. Set a Timer for Playtime
    On busy days, I set a timer (or a mental one) when playing with the kids. This way, they get my full, undivided attention, and Iā€™m not distracted by my phone or the next thing on my to-do list. It helps me stay fully present.

  2. Enjoy Your Favorite Coffee
    If you love coffee, start your cleaning session with a delicious cup. Iā€™m a fan of Danger Coffee by Dave Asprey or Purity Coffee, both of which are non-toxic and mold-free. Perfect for a caffeine boost!

  3. Put on a Motivational Podcast or Music
    Whether itā€™s a podcast or upbeat music, having something motivating in the background helps me get into the cleaning flow. It keeps me energized and focused while I work.

Thatā€™s it for this week! Hereā€™s to tackling the chaos and finding some balance. Wishing you a productive and peaceful week ahead!