Jacqueline's Weekly Newsletter 🤍

Good Risings, Y’all! ✨

I hope you’ve had a fantastic week! First off, thank you so much for the DMs and emails helping me stay accountable during my cleaning week. I’ve made good progress, but I’m not quite there yet (lol). Life with kiddos definitely pulls you in all directions! Plus, after two intense leg days, I’ve been waddling around all week. I’m quite the sight! But I appreciate all your encouragement and wanted to let you know I’m still at it. A few rooms are done—just not the whole house yet (haha).

This past weekend, a friend I hadn’t seen in ages came over and asked how we manage to raise such mindful kids. Even with four little ones, we’ve found a pretty good flow. It never feels like “me against them” or “us against them.” We function as a family unit, teaching our kids the importance of values, morals, and living intentionally.

Since my friend asked, I thought I’d share a few of our family strategies with you!

1. Prioritizing Nutrition

We’re intentional about what our kids eat, making sure they understand how food affects their bodies. Even though they’re still little, they know that sugary and processed foods can mess with their focus and behavior. That’s why we start their day with protein, healthy fats, and fruits. As I’ve mentioned before, we’ve got a lower section of the fridge stocked with healthy snacks they can easily grab—think carrots or even lamb chops! Yes, it can get messy, but it’s worth it to encourage their autonomy.

2. Child-Led Learning & Outdoor Play

We believe in child-led learning and outdoor play. Our goal is to get outside first thing in the morning, which helps set the kids' circadian rhythms. This not only regulates their sleep-wake cycles but also boosts their mood, focus, and energy for the day.

3. Love-Based Communication

My husband and I make sure our communication is rooted in love and respect. We apologize when needed, say “I love you” often, and express gratitude daily. This kind of communication helps create a positive environment at home, so when tough moments arise, they’re usually short-lived. Our kids are learning to regulate their emotions and express themselves, which makes a big difference.

4. Setting Boundaries and Responsibility

We set clear boundaries with our kids while also giving them responsibilities. Even our two-year-old helps take out the garbage bins (with our supervision, of course!). Having chores helps them feel valued and teaches them their role within the family.

5. Family Routines and Reflection

Routines, especially in the evening, play a big role in our household. At night, we ask each other reflective questions like: What was the highlight of your day? What was the low point? What are you grateful for? What would you like to improve? These conversations encourage all of us to be more introspective and grow as individuals.

6. Limited Screen Time

We keep screen time minimal and focus on educational content when we do allow it. We might watch a movie on the weekend, but even then, we’re pretty selective. Studies show that shows with quick frame rates and flashy visuals (like Cocomelon) can impact brain development in similar ways to addictive substances. I’ll dive deeper into this topic next week and share a list of shows we do watch!

This Week’s Tip for You:

Take some time to block out exterior noise and negative energy this week. Sit down with yourself and identify what truly matters to you. Do you have the right people around you? Are you eating well and taking care of yourself? Make a list with categories like family, friends, health, etc., and rate each one from 1 to 10. Focus on the area that scores the lowest and think about how you can improve it this week.

For me, my social life has taken a backseat lately, which is the season I’m in right now. My to-do list is long, and by the time I’m done, I’m usually too exhausted to catch up with friends or go out for dinner (lol). That said, I have an open-door policy at home—my friends know they’re always welcome to drop by! Luckily, they understand, and that’s what real friendships are all about.

I hope these tips help you have a fantastic week! Feel free to DM me your own parenting hacks or anything you wish you had learned as a kid—I love diving into these topics. Thanks again for your emails and comments; I love connecting with all of you!

Wishing you an amazing week ahead! 🤍